I'm trying to find a way to count my columns coming from a Flat File. Actually, all my columns are concatened in a signe cell, sepatared with a '|' ,
after various attempts, it seems that only a script task can handle this.
Does anyone can help me upon that ? I've shamely no experience with script in C# ou VB.
Thanks a lot Emmanuel
To better understand, below is the output of what I want to achieve to. e.g a single cell containing all headers coming from a FF. The thing is, to get to this result, I appended manually in the previous step ( derived column) all column names each others in order to concatenate them with a '|' separator. Now , if my FF source layout changes, it won't work anymore, because of this manualy process. So I think I would have to use a script instead which basically returns my number of columns (header ) in a variable and will allow to remove the hard coded part in the derived column transfo for instance
Please refer my answers in the following Stack Overflow
questions. Those answers might give you an idea of how to load a flat file that contains varying number of columns.
Example in the following question reads a file containing data separated by special character Ç (c-cedilla)
. In your case, the delimiter is Vertical Bar (|)
UTF-8 flat file import to SQL Server 2008 not recognizing {LF} row delimiter
Example in the following question reads an EDI file that contains different sections with varying number of columns. The package reads the file loads it accordingly with parent-child relationships into an SQL table. how to load a flat file with header and detail parent child relationship into SQL server
Based on the logic used in those answers, you can also count the number of columns by splitting the rows in the file by the column delimiter (Vertical Bar |)
Hope that helps.