I have a very large dataset that looks like this: one column contains names, the second column contains their respective (very long) texts. I also have a pre-defined dictionary that contains at least 20 terms. How can I count the number of times these key words occur in each row of my dataframe? I have tried str_detect,grep(l), and %>% like, and looped over each row, but the problem seems to be that I want to detect too many terms, and these functions stop working when I use 15+ terms or so.
Would be sooo happy if anyone could help me out with this!
col1<- c("Henrik", "Joseph", "Lucy")
col2 <- c("I am going to get groceries", "He called me at six.", "No, he did not")
df <- data.frame(col1, col2)```
dict <- c("groceries", "going", "me") #but my actual dictionary is much larger
Create a unique identifier for your rows. Split your col2 by words, one in each row. Filter for only the select words in your dict. Then count by each row. Finally, combine with original df and set NA to Zeros for rows that don't have any words from your dict.
col1 <- c("A","B","A")
col2 <- c("I am going to get groceries", "He called me at six.", "No, he did not")
df <- data.frame(col1, col2, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dict <- c("groceries", "going", "me")
df <- df %>% mutate(row=row_number()) %>% select(row, everything())
counts <- df %>% tidyr::separate_rows(col2) %>% filter(col2 %in% dict) %>% group_by(row) %>% count(name = "counts")
final <- left_join(df, counts, by="row") %>% tidyr::replace_na(list(counts=0L))
#> row col1 col2 counts
#> 1 1 A I am going to get groceries 2
#> 2 2 B He called me at six. 1
#> 3 3 A No, he did not 0