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Failed to compile is displayed on chrome browser

i had an this error below in the browser when working on a react project, it says failed to compile and the data i was parsing in the Api context is below below in from the can i get rid of this error ./src/data.js Line 4:14: Parsing error: Legacy octal literals are not allowed in strict mode

2 |     id:1,
  3 |     title:"Google Pixel - Black",
> 4 |     img:"img\1595035611130_elaine-casap-qgHGDbbSNm8-unsplash.jpg",
    |              ^
  5 |     price:10,
  6 |     company:Google,
  7 |     info:"Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Debitis eum obcaecati dignissimos dolorem ex quos a sit repudiandae cumque exercitationem officia assumenda, fugit non corrupti, itaque vel doloremque eligendi quis?",


  • The issue is in img name. You have to escape octal literals inside a string.

    Change that to:
