So I have these given functions:
def make_event_df(match_id, path):
Function for making event dataframe.
match_id -- int, the required match id for which event data will be constructed.
path -- str, path to .json file containing event data.
df -- pandas dataframe, the event dataframe for the particular match.
## read in the json file
event_json = json.load(open(path, encoding='utf-8'))
## normalize the json data
df = json_normalize(event_json, sep='_')
return df
def full_season_events(comp_name, match_df, match_ids, path):
Function to make event dataframe for a full season.
comp_name -- str, competition name + season name
match_df -- pandas dataframe, containing match-data
match_id -- list, list of match id.
path -- str, path to directory where .json file is listed.
e.g. '../input/Statsbomb/data/events'
event_df -- pandas dataframe, containing event data for the whole season.
## init an empty dataframe
event_df = pd.DataFrame()
for match_id in tqdm(match_ids, desc=f'Making Event Data For {comp_name}'):
## .json file
temp_path = path + f'/{match_id}.json'
temp_df = make_event_df(match_id, temp_path)
event_df = pd.concat([event_df, temp_df], sort=True)
return event_df
Now I am running this piece of code to get the dataframe:
comp_id = 11
season_id = 1
path = f'../input/Statsbomb/data/matches/{comp_id}/{season_id}.json'
match_df = get_matches(comp_id, season_id, path)
comp_name = match_df['competition_name'].unique()[0] + '-' + match_df['season_name'].unique()[0]
match_ids = list(match_df['match_id'].unique())
path = f'../input/Statsbomb/data/events'
event_df = full_season_events(comp_name, match_df, match_ids, path)
The above code snippet is giving me this output:
Making Event Data For La Liga-2017/2018: 100%|██████████| 36/36 [00:29<00:00, 1.20it/s]
How can I make use multiprocessing to make the process faster i.e. how can I use the match_ids
in full_season_events()
to grab the data from the JSON file in a faster manner(using multiprocessing). I am very new to joblib and multiprocessing concept. Can someone tell what changes do I have to make in these functions to get the required results?
You don't need joblib
here, just plain multiprocessing
will do.
since it's faster than imap
or map
, but doesn't retain order (each worker can receive and submit jobs out of order). Not retaining order doesn't seem to matter since you're sort=True
ing anyway.
, there's that need for additional jobs
finagling; there's no istarmap_unordered
which would unpack parameters, so we need to do it ourselves.match_ids
, things can be sped up with e.g. chunksize=10
to imap_unordered
; it means each worker process will be fed 10 jobs at a time, and they will also return 10 jobs at a time. It's faster since less time is spent in process synchronization and serialization, but on the other hand the TQDM progress bar will update less often.As usual, the code below is dry-coded and might not work OOTB.
import multiprocessing
def make_event_df(job):
# Unpack parameters from job tuple
match_id, path = job
with open(path) as f:
event_json = json.load(f)
# Return the match id (if required) and the result.
return (match_id, json_normalize(event_json, sep="_"))
def full_season_events(comp_name, match_df, match_ids, path):
event_df = pd.DataFrame()
with multiprocessing.Pool() as p:
# Generate job tuples
jobs = [(match_id, path + f"/{match_id}.json") for match_id in match_ids]
# Run & get results from multiprocessing generator
for match_id, temp_df in tqdm(
p.imap_unordered(make_event_df, jobs),
desc=f"Making Event Data For {comp_name}",
event_df = pd.concat([event_df, temp_df], sort=True)
return event_df