I have been working on this the past day and will appreciate any insight. I am creating a Logic App that automates the transfer of data from CosmosDB to CRM. My dilemma is that in creating my logic app, the fields are a 'lookup' field. I am unsure of where to find the guids for these lookup fields.
This is what I have done so far:
I am trying to find the record ID or GUID for the 'Feature Category' lookup field. How exactly do I do this? I researched where someone mentions to search within CosmosDB,how would I do this?
There are other articles that state you have to List Records' within the Logic App? However, I am not fully understanding this.
Any insight is greatly appreciated.
Looking into your question and your comments, you need List Records in Power automate/ Logic apps.
Now when you use list records you can use filter query to restrict/get particular record.
For ex: Select empid,empname from employee where empname='XYZ'
Here is one of my Power automate/logic apps which list records from crm using some data from Sharepoint and getting crm record.
Now when you get the record in turn you get it's name,Id/GUID.