I am using ngx-formly in my project to create dynamic tab based forms.
i have a similar model like below:
model = {
areas_data: [{
"area_id": "someuuid",
"description": "ewrwr",
"nested": [
"name": 'rerw',
"desc": 'ewe'
I have created form field structure using tabs and repeat example from demo. Here is stackblitz demo for the same Demo
I got one issue here whenever i try to open a nested element in other tab , the nested elements field values are not reflected on submit.
To reproduce issue:
Just click on Nested
Then in nested tab, model fields are not populating by default.
Any suggestions, what i am doing wrong here?
I have got the answer, from @aitboudad, to pass fieldArray to nested
without using the button:
"key": "nested",
type: 'repeat',
fieldArray: {
fieldGroup: [
{ "key": "name" },
To add a nested field for the current areas_data item https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-v7rvwf-sf6oxt