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How to aggregate all the resulted rows column data in one column?

I have a case driven query . Below is the simplest form

select Column 1 from mytable 

Results :

    Column 1        

Is it possible to show the aggregated data of column 1 data of all the resulted rows in another Column say column 5 in front of each row with comma separated ?

Expected :

Column 1         Column 2
latinnametest  latinnametest,LatinManual,LatinAuto
LatinManual    latinnametest,LatinManual,LatinAuto
LatinAuto      latinnametest,LatinManual,LatinAuto

I have used array_agg and concat() but it aggregates the same row data in column 2 but not as expected to add all rows column data comma separated . Any help please.

Edit : I have tried the solution mentioned below but I am getting repetitive data in the column . see the screenshot. I have hover the mouse over that last column and see the repetitive data . Any solution to this ? [![enter image description here][1]][1]


  • You can use string_agg() as a window function:

    select column_1, 
           string_agg(column_1, ',') over () as all_values
    from the_table;

    Edit, after the scope was changed:

    If you need distinct values, use a derived table:

    select column_1, 
           string_agg(column_1, ',') over () as all_values
    from (
      select distinct column_1
      from the_table
    ) t;

    Alternatively with a common table expression:

    with vals as (
      select string_agg(distinct column_1, ',') as all_values
      from the_table 
    select t.column_1, v.all_values
    from the_table t
      cross join vals v