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Use structure binding when iterator a vector of std::pair<string, some_struct >*

the below code shows how a structure binding normally works. It provides a more descriptive name comparing to "first", "second".

map<string, string> sites;
sites.insert({ "GeeksforGeeks", "Coding Resources" });

for (auto& [key, value] : sites)
   cout << key.c_str() << " " << value.c_str() << endl;

Now I have a std::vector<pair<std::string, People>* > vec; People here is a class, and string is his/her nicknames.

Code like following does not work, because vec contains pointers.

for (auto & [kay, value] : vec) {}

Then what should I do to use the structure binding to provide more descriptive names?


I use pointers because I want to avoid copies. This is how I build the std::vector<pair<std::string, People>* > vec;.

I have a unordered_map<string, People>, I need to print the results to clients in a deterministic way, but traversing order of a map is random. So, I create vec and sort the vec by the string, which is the key.

If not using pointers, lots of copies will happen if I want to sort.


  • You can do the following to the std::vector<pair<std::string, People>* > vec;

    for (std::pair<std::string, People>* pairPtr : vec) // iterate via pair-ptrs
       if (pairPtr) // if the pointer is valid!
          const auto& [key, people] = *pairPtr;
          // do something with the key and vale!

    If the pair-pointer pointing to the array, you need to iterate through and do the above.

    BTW, have a look at to the smart pointers rather raw pointer in C++17.