The problem I'm having with fabric.js seems simple, but I've been searching for a solution without any luck, so here I am.
I create a simple group to draw an arrow, consisting of a line object and a rotated triangle placed at its end point. This works fine, but when I dynamically update the stroke width of the line and the width/height of the triangle, the group's bounding box doesn't update to match the new dimensions. Here's an image of the result:
Here's a live demo. Just drag the slider to change the stroke width and triangle size and you'll see the issue.
let canvas = new fabric.Canvas(document.querySelector('canvas'), {
backgroundColor: 'white'
lineCoords = [100, 75, 250, 75],
strokeWidth = parseFloat(document.querySelector('.strokewidth').value),
createArrow = () => {
return new fabric.Group(
new fabric.Line(lineCoords, {
left: lineCoords[0],
top: lineCoords[1],
stroke: 'red',
strokeWidth: strokeWidth,
strokeLineCap: "round",
new fabric.Triangle({
width: strokeWidth + 22,
height: strokeWidth + 22,
fill: 'red',
left: lineCoords[0] + 150 + strokeWidth + 22 + ((strokeWidth + 22) / 2) - 14,
top: lineCoords[1] - (Math.floor((strokeWidth + 22) / 2)) + (Math.floor(strokeWidth / 2)),
angle: 90,
{ objectCaching: false }
let arrow = createArrow()
$('body').on('input change', '.strokewidth', e => {
if (object = canvas.getActiveObject()) {
let value = parseFloat(,
[ line, triangle ] = object.getObjects()
strokeWidth: value
width: value + 22,
height: value + 22,
left: line.left + line.width + value + 22 + ((value + 22) / 2) - 14,
top: - (Math.floor((value + 22) / 2)) + (Math.floor(value / 2))
body {
background: #f0f0f0;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
canvas {
border: 1px solid lightgray;
div {
margin: 0.5em 10px;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<canvas width="400" height="150"></canvas>
<input type="range" class="strokewidth" min="1" max="40" value="5">
I'm using version 3.6 of fabric.js. Apparently there was a way to refresh the bounding box in older versions, but none of the code works with 3.6 - the functions no longer exist. I've tried several kludges to fix it, including ungrouping and regrouping the objects, without any luck so far.
Does anyone know how to force a recalculation of the bounding box in this situation? Thanks for any help.
In FabricJS 3 the best way to scale a group of objects is to change the scale
value of the whole group:
group.set({ scaleX: value, scaleY: value })
I assume that sometimes it is required to scale only some objects inside a group or scale them with a different proportion. I think historically it was decided that this heavy operation needs to be triggered by the developer. There is a method for doing that addWithUpdate and it can be called without passing an object to it.
let canvas = new fabric.Canvas(document.querySelector('canvas'), {
backgroundColor: 'white'
lineCoords = [100, 75, 250, 75],
strokeWidth = parseFloat(document.querySelector('.strokewidth').value),
createArrow = () => {
return new fabric.Group(
new fabric.Line(lineCoords, {
left: lineCoords[0],
top: lineCoords[1],
stroke: 'red',
strokeWidth: strokeWidth,
strokeLineCap: "round",
new fabric.Triangle({
width: strokeWidth + 22,
height: strokeWidth + 22,
fill: 'red',
left: lineCoords[0] + 150 + strokeWidth + 22 + ((strokeWidth + 22) / 2) - 14,
top: lineCoords[1] - (Math.floor((strokeWidth + 22) / 2)) + (Math.floor(strokeWidth / 2)),
angle: 90,
{ objectCaching: false }
let arrow = createArrow()
$('body').on('input change', '.strokewidth', e => {
if (object = canvas.getActiveObject()) {
let value = parseFloat(,
[ line, triangle ] = object.getObjects()
strokeWidth: value
width: value + 22,
height: value + 22,
left: line.left + line.width + value + 22 + ((value + 22) / 2) - 14,
top: - (Math.floor((value + 22) / 2)) + (Math.floor(value / 2))
body {
background: #f0f0f0;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
canvas {
border: 1px solid lightgray;
div {
margin: 0.5em 10px;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<canvas width="400" height="150"></canvas>
<input type="range" class="strokewidth" min="1" max="40" value="5">