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Changing date format in my template PhpWord

I'm trying to chnge the output of my date format in my template PhpWord but it doesn't work. In my Controller I have:

public function edit(Attestationstagiaire $attestationstagiaire, $downloadName = null)
    $id = $attestationstagiaire->id;
    $desc1 = Attestationstagiaire::find($id);

    $my_template = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\TemplateProcessor(public_path('templates/stagiaire/attestation.docx'));

    $my_template->setValue('id', $desc1->id);
    $my_template->setValue('prenoms', $desc1->prenoms);
    $my_template->setValue('nom', $desc1->nom);
    $my_template->setValue('date_de_naissance', $desc1->date_de_naissance);
    $my_template->setValue('lieu_de_naissance', $desc1->lieu_de_naissance);

    }catch (Exception $e){
        //handle exception
    return response()->download(storage_path("Document.docx"));


In the line -> $my_template->setValue('date_de_naissance', $desc1->date_de_naissance); My date format in the output document shows 12-07-2020 but I want to have 12 Juillet 2020. How can I do? Thanks for your Help!


  • thanks to this answer:

    -> $my_template->setValue('date_de_naissance',
    Carbon\Carbon::parse( $desc1->date_de_naissance)->format('d F Y'))

    more details in: