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Unit test .NET Core 3 Web API Controller

I have a controller in a .NET Core v3 web API project

public class MyController : ControllerBase
    private readonly IService service;

    public MyController (IService service)
        this.service= service;

    public async Task<ActionResult<MyModel>> Get(int id)
        var record= await service.GetAsync(id);

        if (record== null)
            return NotFound();

        return Ok(Convert to model before returning);

I'm trying to write a unit test for the Get method using NUnit.

This is what I have and it works:

public void Get_WhenCalled_ReturnNotFound()
    service = new Mock<IService>();
    controller = new MyController(service.Object);

    service.Setup(service => service.GetAsync(1)).ReturnsAsync((MyType)null);

    var result = controller.Get(1);

    Assert.That(result.Result.Result, Is.TypeOf<NotFoundResult>());

But in the assert I have to call result.Result.Result. It looks a bit odd. Can I get around this?

I've also tried the following line but it's the same:

service.Setup(service => service.GetAsync(1)).Returns(Task.FromResult((MyType)null));


  • You can reduce 1 Result by writing the test using async/await.

    public async Task Get_WhenCalled_ReturnNotFound()
        service = new Mock<IService>();
        controller = new MyController(service.Object);
        service.Setup(service => service.GetAsync(1)).ReturnsAsync((MyType)null);
        var result = await controller.Get(1);
        Assert.That(result.Result, Is.TypeOf<NotFoundResult>());