time for a new question. Each page as a query simular like:
const {data} = useQuery(EXAMPLE)
export const EXAMPLE = gql`
query homePage(
$orderBy: PostOrderByInput
$userId: ID
) {
posts( //Individual query for each page
orderBy: $orderBy
userId: $userId
) {
userUserRelation{ //alway the same query. Need this request just once
The posts query is individual. Always different variables for each page. The userUserRelation query is alway the same. I just need the userUserRelation once from the db, at the first visited page. Then I can query it from the cache. Is there a possibility to make the posts request always from the db and the userUserRelation query just once from the db and then from the cache? Comparable like @client
Of course I can solve this with a global state. And make a extra gql without the userUserRelation after the fist request. Or I make a extra useQuery (But then I have 2 queries the fitst time...)
THX for any help.
You should split your query into two separate hooks. That way userUserRelation
will only be fetched once as long as you use the default fetchPolicy
of cache-first
export const POSTS_QUERY = gql`
query Posts(
$orderBy: PostOrderByInput
$userId: ID
) {
posts(orderBy: $orderBy, userId: $userId) {
userUserRelation {
export const USER_QUERY = gql`
query User {
userUserRelation {
const { data: userData } = useQuery(USER_QUERY)
const { data: postsData } = useQuery(POSTS_QUERY, { variables: { ... } })
If you want the queries to be fetched inside a single request initially, you can enable batching for your client.