I'm building an angular apps with api calls using httpclient, i don't use any package or plugin for that just httpclient.
Here's my example code in service.ts
getAdminMateriDetail(slug: any) {
return this._http.get(this.apiURL + 'admin/material/' + slug).pipe(
tap(() => console.log('Materi Detail after sharing'))
i try to get materi detail from server, and in my component
getCurrentMateriDetail() {
return this.userService.getAdminMateriDetail(this.slug).subscribe(
(data:any) => {
this.currentMateri = data.data;
error => {
ngOnInit() {
i use that code in every page that needs data from server, but what i get is unexpected result, so when i navigate to component that calls an api and subscribe to that api, my component was blank for a couple seconds, sometime it's fast. I'm new using api calls, so is it normal? or maybe i can improve it to make it fast so user won't see a "blank page"?
I also read about caching, and i found shareReplay(1)
so i add it to my code but still blank for a couple of second. can someone give me the reason?
API calls always takes time. So you need to create loader or something like that. In component template you can do it with ngIfElse
<ng-container *ngIf="loadedData; else loader">
page content
<ng-template #loader>Loading...</loader>
used for share result of "cold" (more info) observable between subscribers. But in your case it's useless, because every call of your function creates new Observable. Example:
// Correct usage:
const myMagicData$ = this._http.get(this.apiURL + 'admin/material/' + slug).pipe(
tap(() => console.log('Materi Detail after sharing'))
In example above both subscriptions got same result. Without shareReplay()
every subscription triggers API call.