I've implemented an action + view that lists all the rows in a database and allows you to paginate through them using zend_paginator. I've also written an action + view that takes a form post (or get), constructs a Solr query and returns a zend_paginator adapter to page through the results.
The problem I've got is working out how to paginate through my query after the postback, it's a relatively complex search form (8 fields to search on).
The options as far as I can see are:
Which of these is the most zend/php way of doing it - and, more importantly, quickest to implement? HELP!!!!! Thanks.
I'm not going to accept this answer until I'm convince no one has a better one but I've come to a decision. I've gone for the PRG pattern (post-redirect-get).
if ($request->isPost()) {
if ($form->isValid($request->getPost())) {
return $this->_helper->redirector('index','contact',NULL,array_filter($form->getValues()));
This redirects to a url with the contents of the form as parameters - www.url.com/form/param1/val/param2/val
The array_filter command strips all empty parameters and this means you end up with a nice clean, bookmarkable, seo friendly url that the zend_paginator works with out the box.