i am trying to make a report of the sales and purchases transaction on each product, since it selects fields from different models (tables) i had to make a model based on a sql view now the problem is, in the xml tree view, it doesn't return back all the results it's supposed to, i checked the sql view query and ran it on postegres, and it returns 30 lines, yet what shows up on the xml tree view is only 17
code below
class ProductProfileReportView(models.Model):
_name = "product.profile.report"
_auto = False
product_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name="custom.product", string="Product", required=False, )
action_type = fields.Char(string="Type")
create_date = fields.Datetime(string="Date")
invoice_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name="custom.purchase", string="Invoice", required=False, )
qty = fields.Integer(string="Qty")
supplier_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name="custom.supplier", string="Supplier", required=False, )
customer_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name="custom.customer", string="Customer", required=False, )
price = fields.Float(string="Price")
def init(self):
""" Event Question main report """
tools.drop_view_if_exists(self._cr, 'product_profile_report')
self._cr.execute(""" CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW product_profile_report AS (
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY product_id) AS id,
custom_product.id as product_id,
'Purchase' as action_type,
custom_purchase.create_date as create_date,
custom_purchase.id as invoice_id,
custom_purchase_line.qty as qty,
custom_supplier.id as supplier_id,
'0' as customer_id,
custom_product.sell_price as price
from custom_product
inner join custom_purchase_line
on custom_product.id = custom_purchase_line.product_id
inner join custom_purchase
on custom_purchase_line.purchase_id = custom_purchase.id
inner join custom_supplier
on custom_purchase.supplier_id = custom_supplier.id)
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY custom_product.id) AS id,
custom_product.id as product_id,
'Sale' as action_type,
custom_sale.create_date as create_date,
custom_sale.id as invoice_id,
custom_sale_line.qty as qty,
'0' as supplier_id,
custom_customer.id as customer_id,
custom_product.sell_price as price
inner join custom_sale_line
on custom_product.id = custom_sale_line.branch_product_ids
inner join custom_sale
on custom_sale_line.order_id = custom_sale.id
inner join custom_customer
on custom_sale.customer_id = custom_customer.id))""")
Most likely problem is in here ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY product_id) AS id,
all id values have to be unique and non zero. And also the ids should be stabile when you filter and group.