I am using python-docx to create document. I want to save this file to AWS S3. Currently what I am doing is, I am creating .docx file and saving it locally using document.save('filename.docx')
. Then using s3.meta.client.upload_file('/path/to/file/filename.docx', bucket, 'filename.docx')
to save it into S3. Is there any way where I can save .docx file directly into AWS S3 without saving it locally?
Yes, you can. As @ewong suggested, here is a sample code snippet:
import boto3
from io import BytesIO
from docx import Document
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
document = Document()
# ...
with BytesIO() as fileobj:
s3.upload_fileobj(fileobj, 'your-bucket-name', 'your/s3/key')