I'm trying to create an activity for design automation that will create a large set of viewables, potentially from fairly large input models. In order to reduce run time, I want to run the activity as few times as possible, meaning I'd like to create as many viewables at a time as possible. My plan was to avoid the output quotas by creating a zip file with multiple viewables and use my server to post them, rather than creating one output per viewable. I have a number of questions related to creating this activity:
In short, the answer is Yes, you can generate multiple output viewables for the input Revit model within your activity, it's pretty simple and the Revit Design Automation engine can package these output viewables automatically into a zip file, you just need to put these output viewables in a specified folder. I believe this blog post https://forge.autodesk.com/blog/how-generate-dynamic-number-output-design-automation-revit-v3 will provide you the idea.
As for your details questions:
Answer: Yes, this approach is possible and check the details above.
Answer: you just need to put all the generated viewables under the specified zip folder, then the work item is done, the system will automatically package this folder and upload back to your server.
Answer: No, the network access is not allowed by the design automation engine, you can only access the storage as input or output files.