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ES6 twitter-text import

I'm trying to import the twitter-text package into a React/ES6 environment, and I'm not able to figure out what exactly is exported and keep getting not exported from 'twitter-text'. compile errors.

Doc states that the twttr.txt namespace is exported, but all the examples I can find are for node and use require(). It installed fine via npm install twitter-text and it's finding refs, for example import { parseTweet } from 'twitter-text'; is grabbing actual function and class refs from the package, but still the no export error when it compiles.

I also tried to get the global twttr.txt using just import 'twitter-text'; but I'm getting the same error.


  • The library is default-exporting an object unfortunately, which means that you need to use

    import twttr from 'twitter-text'

    Named exports do not seem to be available.