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Issue with dynamic SQL to get JSON properties as columns when JSON is NULL

I am trying to select JSON properties as column. The properties that needs to be selected are stored in some other table

CREATE TABLE [Templates](
    [ID] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Template] [nvarchar](max)

INSERT INTO Templates(ID,Template)
(3,'{"LastName":"smith","Address":"1234 Test Drive"}'),

Declare @SQL NVARCHAR(max)

--For brevity purpose i am hardcoding these property names. In reality column names will come from another table
DECLARE @properties NVARCHAR(max) = '[Address],[FirstName],[LastName]'

Set @SQL  = '
Select '+ @properties +'
 From  (
        Select T.ID
         From  Templates T
         Cross Apply OpenJSON(T.Template) AS j
       ) src
Pivot ( max(value) for [Key] in ('+ @properties +') ) pvt 

SQL Fiddle

The code above is mostly working except for the Last row where Template is NULL. (ID = 4)
Expected: The query should return 4 rows and for the last row, all columns should be null except ID.


  • CROSS APPLY requires rows to be returned, however, Cross Apply OpenJSON(NULL) AS j returns no rows. Use OUTER APPLY:

    ' ...
    OUTER APPLY OpenJSON(T.Template) AS j
    EXEC sp_executesql @SQL;

    Note I also use sp_executesql as you can't parametrise EXEC (@SQL)
