I have the following SQL command to run a query with a TFDQuery
using PostgreSQL as the database:
fdqr.SQL.Text: =
'select * from (values (current_date-1), (current_date), (current_date + 1)) as t (datetest) ' +
'{iif (! Datevalue, where datetest =! Datevalue)}';
When I used the Clear
method to clear the macro value, I expected the script to be interpreted so that the filter would be eliminated, but it wasn't.
Resulting database log:
select * from (values(current_date-1), (current_date), (current_date+1)) as t(datetest)
where datetest = NULL
However, if you include an assignment via AsRaw
, it works as expected, even if the previous value was ''
(empty string) and IsNull
is True
{ at this point IsNull = True and AsRaw is '' }
fdqr.MacroByName('datevalue').AsRaw := '';
Resulting database log:
select * from (values(current_date-1), (current_date), (current_date+1)) as t(datetest)
Is this a FireDAC bug or a feature that I don't understand correctly?
In order to apply substitution of {IIF(…)}
or {IF}…{FI}
based on a macro variable, the variable value must not be empty. That is what documentation for Conditional Substitution says. It literally means that the substitution is applied if the macro variable expands to a non-empty string. This fact can be verified by inspecting FireDAC source code, specifically method TFDPhysConnectionMetadata.TranslateEscapeSequence
in unit FireDAC.Phys.Meta
. In case for eskIF
you can find:
s := Trim(ASeq.FArgs[0]);
else if s <> '' then
Result := 'True';
Let's see what happens when you Clear
the macro variable. Its Value
is set to Null
and its DataType
is set to mdUnknown
. In this case the variable is expanded to NULL
literal by the preprocessor, which is not an empty string. The value of AsRaw
is irrelevant, because preprocessor uses SQL
property for substitution.
There seems to be no other way to expand macro variable to an empty string than setting AsRaw := ''
. In this case its DataType
is set to mdRaw
and the value SQL
property is equal to AsRaw
I'm not sure whether this behaviour is a bug or feature, but changing it could break exiting code bases, so I don't expect this to be ever fixed. I'd rather say that it eventually became a feature.
Apart from the above, you can avoid macros by using simple parameters:
select * from (values(current_date-1), (current_date), (current_date+1)) as t(datetest)
where :Datevalue is null or datetest = :Datevalue
This way you can clear or set the value of Datevalue
parameter as you would expect:
{ to bind null value }
{ to bind some value }
fdqr.ParamByName('Datevalue').AsDate := Today;