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How to fetch a value from the last element inside MySQL JSON document?

I am using Mysql version 8.0.18-commercial

My MySQL query is returning JSON Document for one of the column values.

ServerName      Status         JSON Document(as shown below)

The Status column is similar to as below:

  "STEP1": {
    "state": "STARTED",
    "startTime": "2020-08-05T04:40:45.021Z"
  "STEP4": {
    "state": "ENDED",
    "startTime": "2020-08-05T05:08:36.286Z"

Desired Output:

ServerName      Status         ENDED

I want to find the last STEP in my JSON Document and then get the state value for it.

I have written the following query but it is not displaying last state value:

SELECT ServerName,
  (SELECT j.state
   FROM table t1
   CROSS JOIN json_table(Status, '$[*]' columns (state varchar(1000) PATH '$.state', startTime varchar(100) PATH '$.startTime')) j
   WHERE =
   ORDER BY row_number() OVER (
                               ORDER BY j.startTime) DESC
   LIMIT 1) AS Status
FROM table AS t 


  • json_table() does not do what you think here: it is meant to operate on a JSON array, while your column contains a JSON object.

    An alternative approach is to use json_table() with json_keys() to extract the object keys as rows: you can then extract the corresponding values, rank rows having the same servername, and keep the top row per group only:

    select servername, state, starttime
    from (
            json_unquote(json_extract(t.status, concat('$.', j.k, '.startTime'))) starttime,
            json_unquote(json_extract(t.status, concat('$.', j.k, '.state'))) state,
            row_number() over(
                partition by t.servername 
                order by json_unquote(json_extract(t.status, concat('$.', j.k, '.startTime'))) desc
            ) rn
        from mytable t
        cross join json_table(
            '$[*]' columns (k varchar(50) path '$')
        ) j
    ) t
    where rn = 1

    Demo on DB Fiddle:

    servername | state | starttime               
    :--------- | :---- | :-----------------------    | ENDED | 2020-08-05T05:08:36.286Z