In a contract i'm trying to implement some kind of recursivity of struct.
I have a map of wallets addresses that correspond to structs of type Ticket.
struct Ticket {
uint256 ticketId;
string firstname;
string lastname;
mapping (address => Ticket) tickets;
my problem with this solution is that i don't know how to return every ticket that have have a same address.
function setTicket(address _address, string memory _firstname, string memory _lastname) public returns(uint256){
uint256 ticketNewId = uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(block.timestamp, block.difficulty)));
Ticket storage ticket = tickets[_address];
ticket.firstname = _firstname;
ticket.lastname = _lastname;
ticket.ticketId = ticketNewId;
return ticketNewId;
function getTickets() view public returns(address[] memory){
return ticketaccts;
function getTicket(address _address) view public returns (Ticket memory){
return (tickets[_address]);
here getTicket() return the last ticket with the _address given. but what i want is return all the ticket with the same _address How can i do that ?
in the end the solution i choose is the following:
function getTicketByAddress(address _address) public view returns (Ticket[] memory){
Ticket[] memory ticketByAddress = new Ticket[](tickets[_address].length);
uint numberOfTicket = 0;
for(uint i = 0; i < tickets[_address].length; i++) {
ticketByAddress[numberOfTicket] = tickets[_address][i];
return ticketByAddress; //don't work well in remix!
exemple of usage in a refund function:
function makeRefund(uint256 _ticketId ) public returns(Ticket memory) {
Ticket[] memory ticketByAddress = new Ticket[](tickets[msg.sender].length);
Ticket memory refundTicket;
uint numberOfTicket = 0;
for(uint i = 0; i < tickets[msg.sender].length; i++) {
ticketByAddress[numberOfTicket] = tickets[msg.sender][i];
ticketByAddress[_ticketId].refunded = true;
refundTicket = ticketByAddress[_ticketId];
if(refundTicket.categorie == 1){
uint256 time = (dateEvent -;
require(time >= 1, "It is too late for a refund!");
return refundTicket;