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SciPy Optimizer gives result that do not satisfy constraints

I am using scipy.optimize.minimize to solve a problem, but the result given by the package violates the constraint.

The case is mad simple where only one objective function and only one constraint are given. Here is the code:

   import math
   import numpy as np
   import scipy
   from scipy.optimize import minimize

   def objective(x):
       return np.sum(,x))
   n = 5
   X_bound=[(0,4) for i in range(n)]
   X_guess=[1 for i in range(n)]
   _tmp = []
  func_list = []

  def temp_func(X):
      total = 0
      for i in range(n):
          total = total + np.maximum(X[i] * 5 - 6, 0)
      return total/n - 1
  for ii in range(len(func_list)):
  _tmp.append({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': func_list[ii]})

  result = sol.x

The result given by the above code is

array([5.61582806e-12, 3.56925226e-12, 3.57912934e-12, 3.57912933e-12, 3.57872619e-12])

which obviously violates the one (and only) constraint.

Any ideas what i do wrong? Thanks


  • The optimization isn't succeeding. You can see the solution reports failure... at least it knows it wasn't able to satisfy the constraint.

    >>> result
    array([5.61582806e-12, 3.56925226e-12, 3.57912934e-12, 3.57912933e-12,
    >>> temp_func(result)
    >>> sol
         fun: 8.270470124157974e-23
         jac: array([1.49123928e-08, 1.49082997e-08, 1.49083195e-08, 1.49083195e-08,
     message: 'Iteration limit exceeded'
        nfev: 1697
         nit: 101
        njev: 101
      status: 9
     success: False
           x: array([5.61582806e-12, 3.56925226e-12, 3.57912934e-12, 3.57912933e-12,

    The cause for the optimization failure is the maximum function in the constraint. Sequential quadratic programming is based on linearizing the constraints. Locally, the (unsatisfied) constrain linearizes to a constant value so the iterative solution doesn't see any way to make progress satisfying that constraint -- each iteration reduces the objective without making progress toward the solution.

    I changed the constraint to not be flat in regions to allow the algorithm to incrementally improve it and the optimization succeeds.

    def temp_func(X):
      total = 0
      for i in range(n):
          val = total+X[i]*5 - 6
          if val < 0:
            val = np.arctan(val)
          total = val
      return total/n - 1

    That probably the constraint that you are actually trying to enforce but perhaps you can smoothly approximate your constraint and get something that succeeds.