I am trying to send a clob and then destructure it like:
This is how I am sending the message:
messageClob clob;
log_id number;
log_id := 12; --for testing
messageClob := to_clob(
<myReq xmlns="http://xxx/xx/x" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://xxx/xx/x file:/C:/Users/User1/Documents/test.xsd">
</myReq >
my_pkg.getMyReq(p_messageClob => messageClob,
p_logId => log_id);
And this is the code to desctructure it:
procedure getMyReq(p_messageClob clob, p_logId number) is
logHistoryId number;
if p_messageClob is not null then
dbms_output. put_line(p_messageClob);
for message In (select * from xmltable(
xmlnamespaces(default 'http://xxx/xx/x'),
'myReq' passing xmltype(p_messageClob)
signature varchar2(50) path 'signature',
status varchar2(10) path 'status',
mydate date path 'mydate'))
dbms_output.put_line(message.signature || ', ' || message.status|| ', ' || message.mydate );
end loop;
end if;
...some code
end getMyReq;
What am I missing here? This is the same scenario as always and still there is noting printed. I am sure that message is not null because dbms_output. put_line(p_messageClob);
prints the clob.
The problem is this:
mydate date path 'mydate'
(and your procedure squashing the error). It is effectively doing to_date('2005-03-29T13:24:36.000', 'YYYY-MM-DD')
which throws the same error.
You can either retrieve it as a string:
mydate varchar2(23) path 'mydate'
and convert it later, or retrieve it as a timestamp, which even handles the ISO-8601 'T' separator unlike Oracle's timestamp literal:
mydate timestamp path 'mydate'