I am working in iOS app with Dateformatter
which is return wrong time. I don't have any idea to fix this. Can anyone please correct me to get correct time?
let dateString = "2020-08-11T05:32:33.000Z"
func approach1(){
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXXXX"
guard let date = dateFormatter.date(from: dateString) else {fatalError()}
printTime(date: date)
func approach2(){
let dateFormatter = ISO8601DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.formatOptions = [.withInternetDateTime, .withFractionalSeconds]
guard let date = dateFormatter.date(from: dateString) else { fatalError()}
printTime(date: date)
func printTime(date: Date){
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "h:mm a"
dateFormatter.amSymbol = "AM"
dateFormatter.pmSymbol = "PM"
let time = dateFormatter.string(from: date)
print("date: \(date)")
print("Time: \(time)") // Here it's always wrong time with those approach.
Current Result:
There's nothing wrong. The date formatter returns the correct time
The date string
represents a date in UTC(+0000).
Your local time zone is obviously UTC+0530. DateFormatter
considers the local time zone by default.
To format the time
also in UTC you have to set the time zone of the date formatter explicitly
func printTime(date: Date) {
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.timeZone = TimeZone(identifier: "UTC")
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "h:mm a"
dateFormatter.amSymbol = "AM"
dateFormatter.pmSymbol = "PM"
let time = dateFormatter.string(from: date)
print("date: \(date)")
print("Time: \(time)")