I'm trying to make a that allows users to make true/false questions. I've looked all around and can't figure out why these radio buttons don't appear in this React component (using Materialize CSS).
render() {
const { courseTitle, courseDescription } = this.props;
return (
<div className='container selection create-lecture'>
<div className='row'>
<form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit} className='white'>
<h5 className='grey-text text-darken-3'>True / False Question</h5>
<div className='input-field'>
<label htmlFor='questionQuestion'>Your True/False Question:</label>
<textarea className='materialize-textarea' id='questionQuestion' onChange={this.handleChange}>
<input id='radio-true' type="radio" value="true" checked={this.state.selectedRadioOption === "true"} onChange={this.onValueChange}/>
<label htmlFor='radio-true'>True</label>
<input id='radiofalse' type="radio" value="false" checked={this.state.selectedRadioOption === "false"} onChange={this.onValueChange}/>
<label htmlFor='radiofalse'>False</label>
<div className='input-field'>
<button className='btn custom-orange lighten-1 z-depth-0'>Create Question</button>
You need to use the correct markup as shown in the documentation. :
<input name="group1" type="radio" checked />
Materialize doesn't use the browser default radio. Always use the markup suggested by the docs!