I do not know why SQL does not detect this point in my polygon
select geography::STGeomFromText('POLYGON ((51.561283 -0.199251
,51.562136 -0.045443
,51.468985 -0.045443
,51.472407 -0.197878
,51.561283 -0.199251))', 4326).STIntersects(geography::Point(51.519425,-0.127029, 4326))
My polygon is valid in result of STIsValid()
and also is in right direction which SSMS display the polygon:
My point is also located in center of the polygon via Google Maps:
Here is the tools I used to detect if my points are correct: https://www.doogal.co.uk/polylines.php
With these data in text input:
The strange thing is that when I change lat and long to geography::Point
function the result is true.
select geography::STGeomFromText('POLYGON ((51.561283 -0.199251
,51.562136 -0.045443
,51.468985 -0.045443
,51.472407 -0.197878
,51.561283 -0.199251))', 4326).STIntersects(geography::Point(-0.127029,51.519425, 4326))
The Text string representations of Geometry/Geography always uses the X Y
convention for specifying coordinates. This means, when interpreted as geography, it defies the usual convention of putting Latitude first.
So you need to use Long Lat
in specifying your POLYGON
in a string.
You can see this in your SSMS output, where you can see that the polygon is located just south of the equator, somewhere ~51° East, and not somewhere in London.