I have a command line application, which uses Spring Boot and picocli.
It is possible to pass parameter, which is a path, e.g. myApp.jar /path/to/file
and it will do something with this file.
I want to use this app system-wide, so I placed the executable .jar
in /usr/bin/
and renamed it to myApp
Now, when I use it with absolute path: myApp /home/user/file
it works fine, but I want to pass relative path, e.g. when I am in /home/user/
I want it to be myApp ./file
The problem is that with relative path it tries to use /usr/bin/file
instead of /home/user/file
The workaround I use currently is something like this: myApp $(pwd)/file
Do you have some idea how to fix this?
Ok, so I've managed to resolve the issue by using custom launch script for Spring Boot
I've copied original sources and removed lines responsible for working directory change:
run() {
pushd "$(dirname "$jarfile")" > /dev/null # <-- removed
"$javaexe" "${arguments[@]}"
popd > /dev/null # <-- removed
return "$result"
I am not very happy with this solution, but it is better than nothing.