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Create Object with Sinon stub as input to constructor

I'm writing unit tests with mocha, chai and sinon in TypeScript. I need to test a class thats constructor expects an object as input parameter, that I want to mock because it is too complex to create. Also some methods of the class use properties of that specific input paramter object. So I also would need to mock methods of that mocked object.

Maybe some code makes it clearer:

My class looks like this (simplified):

class Controller {
   constructor(context: Context) {
        this._context = context;
   protected get elasticSearch(): Client {
         return this._context.clients.elasticSearch;

   // the next method should be tested
   public async getSomething(input1: string, input2: string): Promise<ResultObject> {
       const result = new ResultObject();
           // do something with _res
           result.prop = _res;
       return result;

Now I would like to test the getSomething function. For that I first need to create a Controller object. But the constructor needs a Context object, that I do not have. For that I already tried both of the following:

const controllerStub = sinon.createStubInstance(Controller);
controllerStub.elasticSearch = sinon.stub();
const contextMock = <Context>{};
const controller = new Controller(contextMock);
controller.elasticSearch = sinon.stub(); = sinon.stub();

which both didn't work because property elasticSearch doesn't exist on type SinonStubbedInstance<Controller> and I cannot set the elasticSearch property in the first place as it has only a getter.

So now I really don't know what to mock and how to test that getSomething function. In the best case I want to say that the returns a defined value and this specific value should be handled further in the .then part. I want to skip the elasticSearch access but still want the .then part to be run.

All the documentation about stubs and nested stubs didn't help me.


  • So I managed a working solution. It's probably not best practice but it's the best I could do:

    For the Context object I just create an empty Object like that:

    contextMock = <Context><unknown>{
                      clients: {
                          elasticSearch: new Client()

    then I create with that the controller object:

    controller = new Controller(contextMock);

    then I can mock the functions of the elasticSearch property like that:

    searchStub = sinon.stub(contextMock.clients.elasticSearch, 'search');

    And then I have all the things I need to test the class.