Currently I am working on face detection app. I have implemented face detection part using Apple's Vision.
And app has custom white circle drawn over the screen (you can see in below image).
Now, how can I detect if face is within that custom white circle or not?
I have also done similar project for fun. Link here:
For those who don't want to dive into repo.
I have quick suggestion for you, if you have path of circle and face as CGPath then you can compare circle's and face's bounding box using contains(_:using:transform:)
Here is a code snippet
let circleBox = circleCGPath.boundingBox
let faceBox = faceRectanglePath.boundingBox
print("face is inside the circle")
print("face is outside the circle")
I hope this helps you and others too.
P.S. If there is any better way to do this then please feel free to share.