How to send logs to localstack cloudwatch logs using node.
i am using npm
const winston = require('winston')
const CloudWatchTransport = require('winston-aws-cloudwatch')
You should probably be using winston-cloudwatch
instead as winston-aws-cloudwatch
because it is more in use and is maintained. But as the choice is yours and if you still want to use winston-aws-cloudwatch
, you can add the endpoint in awsConfig to http://localhost:4586
, because by default localstack uses 4586
as port for cloudwatch.
Example for winston-cloudwatch
is given below.
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const WinstonCloudWatch = require('winston-cloudwatch');
winston.add(new WinstonCloudWatch({
awsRegion: 'us-east-1',
logGroupName: 'your-log-group-name',
logStreamName: 'your-log-stream-name',
jsonMessage: true,
}));'I am done');
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const WinstonCloudWatch = require('winston-cloudwatch');
const logger = winston.createLogger({
transports: [
new WinstonCloudWatch({
logGroupName: 'log-group-name',
logStreamName: 'log-stream-name',
awsRegion: 'us-east-1',
jsonMessage: true
logger.error('I am done');
The snippet may end in Invalid token error
. You can use awslocal iam
to create an IAM user and create an access key with the same and use it.
You may need to install awslocal if you wanna play with localstack
To verify if the log group has been created or not, you can try with
awslocal logs describe-log-groups
For other CLI commands, you can refer AWS CLI documetation
For local, you can replace aws
to awslocal