I have nested navigation, which it seems is blocking me from managing header, title and back options on each page. I am using react-navigation 4.x.
I have following items on AppNavigator, first a Drawer:
const DashboardDrawerAgent = createDrawerNavigator(
DashboardScreenAgent: {
screen: DashboardScreenAgent,
ContactsScreen: {
screen: ContactsScreen,
ContactGlobalFormScreen: {
screen: ContactGlobalFormScreen,
Then I have a Stack, mixing one screen and drawer:
const InvestorStack = createStackNavigator({
SelectProfileScreen: {
screen: SelectProfileScreen,
DashboardDrawerInvestor: {
screen: DashboardDrawerInvestor,
}, {
initialRouteName: 'DashboardDrawerInvestor',
Then I use SwitchNavigator:
const AppNavigator = createSwitchNavigator({
GuestStack: {
screen: GuestStack
WelcomeStack: {
screen: WelcomeStack
InvestorStack: {
screen: InvestorStack,
}, {
initialRouteName: 'GuestStack',
headerMode: 'none'
export default createAppContainer(AppNavigator);
Drawer requires a component to list the menu items, on each menu item, method "navigateToScreen" is used to open next screen:
navigateToScreen = ( route ) =>(
() => {
const navigateAction = NavigationActions.navigate({
routeName: route
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<TouchableOpacity style={[
]} onPress={this.navigateToScreen("ProfileStack")}>
<Text style={[
]}>My Profile</Text>
<TouchableOpacity style={[
]} onPress={this.navigateToScreen("ContactsScreen")}>
<Text style={[
I want to be able to set title, hide header, show/hide back button on specific screens, but I am not able, not sure if this nested structure is blocking/overriding some configuration.
I have tried "navigationOptions" on each screen, on each stack too but id did not work, any ideas?
Also I have tried calling directly a specific screen (which belongs to the drawer) directly from a button, just in case "navigateToScreen" is affecting, but no luck either.
Solution was to move the Contact List and Contact Form screen to its own Stack: ContactStack:
const ContactStack = createStackNavigator({
ContactsScreen: {
screen: ContactsScreen,
ContactGlobalFormScreen: {
screen: ContactGlobalFormScreen
}, {
initialRouteName: 'ContactsScreen',
Then use it in the Drawer and in the Left Sidebar:
const DashboardDrawerInvestor = createDrawerNavigator(
ContactStack: {
screen: ContactStack,