I have the following function in my script
import os, re
from pyngrok import ngrok
def server():
os.system('kill -9 $(pgrep ngrok)')
ngrok.connect(443, "tcp")
while True:
ngrok_tunnels = ngrok.get_tunnels()
url = ngrok_tunnels[0].public_url
if re.match("tcp://[0-9]*.tcp.ngrok.io:[0-9]*", url) is not None:
print "your url is : " + url
This is responsible for generating a ngrok tcp link and it works, but it gets stuck like in the image below.
How can I prevent it from being charged? And just print the link, they told me about the monitor_thread
mode in False but I don't know how to configure it in my function, thank you very much in advance.
The reason the script is “stuck” is because pyngrok
starts ngrok
with a thread to monitor logs, and the Python process can’t exit until all threads have been dealt with. You can stop the monitor thread, as shown here in the documentation, or, if you have no use for it, you can prevent it from starting in the first place:
import os, re
from pyngrok import ngrok
from pyngrok.conf import PyngrokConfig
def server():
os.system('kill -9 $(pgrep ngrok)')
ngrok_tunnel = ngrok.connect(443, "tcp", pyngrok_config=PyngrokConfig(monitor_thread=False))
print("your url is : " + ngrok_tunnel.public_url)
However, this still won’t do what you want. If you do this, yes, you will be returned back to the console, but with that the ngrok
process will also be stopped, as it is a subprocess of Python at this point. To leave the tunnels open, you need to leave the process running.