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How should I use imports for subfolders with go modules?

I'm unsure about the imports when it comes to subfolders. My gopath is "/home/username/go" and my project is located in "/home/codeboxx/go/src/project". . Say my project tree looks like this :

- project
  - foldera
    - foldera.go
  - folderb
    - folderb.go
  - go.mod
  - go.sum
  - main.go

If in my main.go I import something like "", but in my foldera.go I also need this import, how do I do it? Obviously I could just import "" again in my foldera.go, but if my module name is like "potato", can't I just do something like "potato/" in my foldera.go? I'm wondering because I want everything to be up-to-date with the same versions. Should i just init a go.mod in each subfolders for those? Local packages I don't have trouble doing something like "potato/somepackage" in foldera.go.

I'm probably misunderstanding something, but I've been looking on google and I don't understand it..

Thanks for the help!


  • They will all use the same version regardless, just because it's in a different folder doesn't mean it will ignore the root go.mod