I'm writing tests for a library built on pytorch, and many of the tests need to exercise torch.distributed by running the same function body on different processes and communicating with each other (e.g. using torch.distributed.all_reduce).
I currently have a decorator which wraps a test like so:
import inspect
def foo():
assert true == false
def wrap():
def fixer(function)
def replacement():
torch.distributed.mp.spawn(function, nprocs=2)
setattr(inspect.getmodule(function), "test_" + function.__name__, replacement)
return fixer
But this doesn't work with pytest fixtures, and I would like to be able to use fixtures. I tried declaring my own pytest_runtest_call
but the test item isn't pickle-able so I'm back to square one. Is there some easy way to do this that minimizes the boilerplate for each test?
Currently tests that need fixtures call mp.spawn
on another function which contains the actual test body.
I guess the problem is not in pytorch or different process but simply in losing the function signature and parameter passing in wrap
def wrap():
def fixer(function):
paramertes = inspect.signature(function).parameters
@wraps(function) # this will make pytest pass fixtures to the wrapped function
def replacement(*args, **kwargs):
assert args == tuple()
args = tuple(kwargs[p] for p in paramertes) # converting named parameters to positional parameters to pass to `spawn`
torch.distributed.mp.spawn(function, args=args, nprocs=2)
setattr(inspect.getmodule(function), "test_" + function.__name__, replacement)
return fixer
def d():
return 1
def foo(d):
assert d == 1