I have been using ubuntu 20.04 recently and have a HP pavillion laptop with B&O speakers. However i am not able to hear any sound. though, Bluetooth is working fine.
I have tried many solutions such as :
*sudo apt purge timidity-daemon
*sudo alsa force-reload
*sudo apt install pavucontrol
and running pavucontrol
None of the solutions have worked for me yet.
EDIT: Later I assumed it to be a kernel bug and say a solution using the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kaihengfeng/fix-lp1869819
sudo apt-get update
after that i have tried reinstalling pulseaudio. And now bluetooth devices just after getting connected are automatically disconnected, do not play any sound either.
Finally, after surfing a lot through the net and reading about options of alsa for NVIDIA aound controller I got the following solution
2 files are to be changed
options snd-hda-intel dmic_detect=0
blacklist snd_soc_skl
Reboot and Enjoy with the restored sound!