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$concatArrays only supports arrays, not object

I'm trying to code a perfectly working MongoDB query in Go, but I'm having a hard time with arrays.

Working on JSON:

    $project: {
        acl: {
            $reduce: {
                input: "$a.accesses",
                initialValue: [],
                in: {
                    $concatArrays: ["$$value", "$$this"]

But not working on Go:

pipe := mongo.Pipeline{
    bson.D{{Key: "$project", Value: bson.M{
        "acl": bson.M{
            "$reduce": bson.M{
                "input":        "$a.accesses",
                "initialValue": bson.M{},
                // None of the below works
                "in": bson.M{"$concatArrays": bson.A{"$$value", "$$this"}},
                // "in": bson.M{"$concatArrays": []interface{}{"$$value", "$$this"}},
                // "in": bson.M{"$concatArrays": [2]string{"$$value", "$$this"}},
                // "in": bson.M{"$concatArrays": []string{"$$value", "$$this"}},
                // "in": bson.M{"$concatArrays": []interface{}{"$$value", "$$this"}},
                // "in": bson.D{{Key: "$concatArrays", Value: []interface{}{"$$value", "$$this"}}},

Error: $concatArrays only supports arrays, not object

I'm new in Go so I'm quite sure I'm missing the concept of arrays somewhere.


  • The Go value you supply for initialValue is not an array:

    "initialValue": bson.M{},

    Instead do:

    "initialValue": []interface{}{},


    "initialValue": bson.A{},