We have a connect cluster of 3 nodes. We need couple of certificates in our connect cluster truststore. We have installed those certificates in the following way.
- certificate: ca.crt
secretName: my-cluster-cluster-ca-cert
- secretName: root-cer
certificate: RootCA.crt
- certificate: IntermediateCA.crt
secretName: inter-cer
- secretName: solace-broker-secret
certificate: secure-solace-broker.crt
As you know, after the three connect clusters spins up, the certificates has been installed into the following truststore /tmp/kafka/cluster.truststore.p12
. Also, we can found the randomly truststore password into the following file: /tmp/strimzi-connect.properties
We direct the truststore path and the truststore password in the KafkaConnector resource file.
apiVersion: kafka.strimzi.io/v1alpha1
kind: KafkaConnector
name: solace-source-connector
strimzi.io/cluster: my-connect-cluster
class: com.solace.connector.kafka.connect.source.SolaceSourceConnector
tasksMax: 1
value.converter: org.apache.kafka.connect.converters.ByteArrayConverter
key.converter: org.apache.kafka.connect.storage.StringConverter
kafka.topic: solace-test
sol.host: tcps://msdkjskdjsdfrdfjdffdhxu3n.messaging.solace.cloud:55443
sol.username: my-solace-cloud-username
sol.password: password
sol.vpn_name: solaceservice
sol.topics: try-me
sol.message_processor_class: com.solace.connector.kafka.connect.source.msgprocessors.SolSampleSimpleMessageProcessor
sol.ssl_trust_store: /tmp/kafka/cluster.truststore.p12
sol.ssl_trust_store_password: HARDCODED_RANDOM_PASSWORD
Right now we are getting inside into one of the connect cluster pod, get the password from the /tmp/strimzi-connect.properties
file and then using the password in the sol.ssl_trust_store_password
My question:
Is there any way to parametrize the password? Any encapsulated way to use the password (so that we do not need to get inside into the pod to know the password - expectation is, the kafkaconnector resouce would fecth the password from the /tmp/strimzi-connect.properties
file, on which pod it is running)
I have got the answer from the Slack channel by Jakub Scholz.
The tls configuration you are using and the truststore are supposed to be used for communication between Connect and Kafka, not for the connectors. I think you have two options how to provide a truststore for the connector
- You can use the same truststore as you are using now, but load the password using the FileConfigProvider - I think that should load the right password on each connect node
- You can just create your own secret with the truststore for the connector and load it into connect using this: https://strimzi.io/docs/operators/latest/full/using.html#assembly-kafka-connect-external-configuration-deployment-configuration-kafka-connect
And this is how I have implemented it:
keytool -import -file RootCA.crt -alias root -keystore myTrustStore
kubectl create secret generic my-trust-store --from-file=myTrustStore
- name: my-trust-store
secretName: my-trust-store