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How do I find an element that contains a dynamic id and repetitive classname?

I have tried different x-paths.

(//div[@class = 'select_container'])[16]

Tried these as well but it selects two paths.

//div[label[contains(text(),'Is there an interpreter or someone else speaking on the behalf of the customer?')]]//div[@class='select-container']

//div[(label[contains(text(),'Is there an interpreter or someone else speaking on the behalf of the customer?')])[1]]

//div[label[contains(text(),'Is there an interpreter or someone else speaking on the behalf of the customer?')] and //input[@class='select2-focusser select2-offscreen']][1]

//div[@class='select-container'] and //label[contains(text(),'Is there an interpreter or someone else speaking on the behalf of the customer?')] and //input[@class='select2-focusser select2-offscreen']]

//div[label[contains(text(),'Is there an interpreter or someone else speaking on the behalf of the customer?')]]


//div[@class = ‘select_container’]

is common XPath for all dropdowns and ids are dynamic. So, Need to figure it out another way.

Please check the link:-

//div//label[text()='Is there an interpreter or someone else speaking on the behalf of the customer?'] and //div[@class='select-container']

This also does not work.

enter image description here


  • Answer is here
