I have the below TF file, which will create a function - FirstFunction. This works perfectly.
resource "azurerm_function_app" "**firstfunction**" {
name = **var.firstfunctionname**
location = azurerm_resource_group.resourcegroupX.location
resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.resourcegroupX.name
app_service_plan_id = azurerm_app_service_plan.appserviceplan.id
https_only = "true"
client_affinity_enabled = "true"
app_settings = {
NS = azurerm_eventhub_namespace.eventhubns.name
Hub = azurerm_eventhub.**firsteventhub**.name
propertyX = "**firstproperty**"
LogRef = "${azurerm_storage_account.store.primary_blob_endpoint}${azurerm_storage_container.**firstlogs**.name}"
resource "azurerm_app_service_virtual_network_swift_connection" "**firstvnet**" {
app_service_id = azurerm_function_app.**firstfunction**.id
subnet_id = azurerm_subnet.snet.id
In the file, see the section enclosed with ****, which need to be changed to create SecondFunction, ThirdFunction and so on ...
The way i have right now is to create multiple TF files , with the same code copied and change the sections enclosed in **.
I read through the module system but understood the limitation with the module system is that I cannot refer to the other components created in the same TF root module as shown below For e.g In the TF file, I refer to location as location = azurerm_resource_group.resourcegroupX.location If I do it as a module, the location should be refered to as location = var.location_name where location_name should be defined as a variable. I cannot refer to components created with the same root module.
Can you please suggest a solution where I can create multiple components based on the similar code ? Please note that, in the above example, Im creating 2 resources in a single TF file and both of them are related.
The simplest way is that use the count property in your resources. It can help you create multiple same resources in the same code.
resource "azurerm_function_app" "myfunction" {
count = number_your_need # how many resources you want to create
name = "${var.firstfunctionname}-${count.index}"
location = azurerm_resource_group.resourcegroupX.location
resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.resourcegroupX.name
app_service_plan_id = azurerm_app_service_plan.appserviceplan.id
https_only = "true"
client_affinity_enabled = "true"
app_settings = {
NS = azurerm_eventhub_namespace.eventhubns.name
Hub = azurerm_eventhub.**firsteventhub**.name
propertyX = "**firstproperty**"
LogRef = "${azurerm_storage_account.store.primary_blob_endpoint}${azurerm_storage_container.**firstlogs**.name}"
resource "azurerm_app_service_virtual_network_swift_connection" "**firstvnet**" {
count = number # how many you need to create
app_service_id = element(azurerm_function_app.myfunction[*].id, count.index)
subnet_id = azurerm_subnet.snet.id
The same solution for the azurerm_eventhub
that you need to create. For example:
resource "azurerm_eventhub" "myeventhub" {
count = number # how many you need to create
name = "${var.eventhub_name}-${count.index}"
Then you can refer it in the function app like this:
app_settings = {
NS = azurerm_eventhub_namespace.eventhubns.name
Hub = element(azurerm_eventhub.myeventhub[*].name, count.index)
propertyX = "**firstproperty**"
LogRef = "${azurerm_storage_account.store.primary_blob_endpoint}${azurerm_storage_container.**firstlogs**.name}"
So does all the section enclosed with ****.