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Prevent synchronous API usage with EF Core

How can I prevent synchronous database access with Entity Framework Core? e.g. how can I make sure we are calling ToListAsync() instead of ToList()?

I've been trying to get an exception to throw when unit testing a method which calls the synchronous API. Are there configuration options or some methods we could override to make this work?

I have tried using a DbCommandInterceptor, but none of the interceptor methods are called when testing with an in-memory database.


  • The solution is to use a command interceptor.

    public class AsyncOnlyInterceptor : DbCommandInterceptor
        public bool AllowSynchronous { get; set; } = false;
        public override InterceptionResult<int> NonQueryExecuting(DbCommand command, CommandEventData eventData, InterceptionResult<int> result)
            return result;
        public override InterceptionResult<DbDataReader> ReaderExecuting(DbCommand command, CommandEventData eventData, InterceptionResult<DbDataReader> result)
            return result;
        public override InterceptionResult<object> ScalarExecuting(DbCommand command, CommandEventData eventData, InterceptionResult<object> result)
            return result;
        private void ThrowIfNotAllowed()
            if (!AllowSynchronous)
                throw new NotAsyncException("Synchronous database access is not allowed. Use the asynchronous EF Core API instead.");

    If you're wanting to write some tests for this, you can use a Sqlite in-memory database. The Database.EnsureCreatedAsync() method does use synchronous database access, so you will need an option to enable this for specific cases.

    public partial class MyDbContext : DbContext
        private readonly AsyncOnlyInterceptor _asyncOnlyInterceptor;
        public MyDbContext(IOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
            : base(optionsBuilder.BuildOptions())
            _asyncOnlyInterceptor = new AsyncOnlyInterceptor();
        protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
        public bool AllowSynchronous
            get => _asyncOnlyInterceptor.AllowSynchronous;
            set => _asyncOnlyInterceptor.AllowSynchronous = value;

    Here are some helpers for testing. Ensure you aren't using sequences (modelBuilder.HasSequence) because this is not supported by Sqlite.

    public class InMemoryOptionsBuilder<TContext> : IOptionsBuilder
        where TContext : DbContext
        public DbContextOptions BuildOptions()
            var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<TContext>();
            var connection = new SqliteConnection("Filename=:memory:");
            optionsBuilder = optionsBuilder.UseSqlite(connection);
            return optionsBuilder.Options;
    public class Helpers
        public static async Task<MyDbContext> BuildTestDbContextAsync()
            var optionBuilder = new InMemoryOptionsBuilder<MyDbContext>();
            var context = new MyDbContext(optionBuilder)
                AllowSynchronous = true
            await context.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync();
            context.AllowSynchronous = false;
            return context;