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Customise r beeswarm plot

I am using the beeswarm package in R and have some problems customizing individual datapoints. I am using below data and code.

 df <- data.frame(x = c(LETTERS), y = "1", 
 z = c(rnorm(26, 11, 4)))
 beeswarm(z ~ y, data = df,
     pwcol = c(1, rep(2, 25)), pwpch = c(1, rep(2, 25)), corral = "wrap", method = "center", 
     xlab = "", ylab = "variable", las=1

I would like to change this so that:

  1. The individual black circle becomes a black diamond with red fill.
  2. All red triangle datapoints become dark grey circles with no fill (open).

Could anyone help, please? Thank you.


  • You're almost there, you just need a couple of minor changes:

    df <- data.frame(x = c(LETTERS), y = "1", 
                     z = c(rnorm(26, 11, 4)))
    beeswarm(z ~ y, data = df,
             pwcol = c("black", rep("grey15", 25)),
             pwpch = c(23, rep(1, 25)),
             pwbg = c("red", rep("transparent", 25)),
             corral = "wrap", method = "center", 
             xlab = "", ylab = "variable",