I am trying to insert the current number of CRAN packages and the number of Bioconductor packages to a markdown file.
I have tried this:
length(available.packages(available_packages_filters = c("CRAN")))
I got
[1] 272867
This is different from the number on the CRAN site (16081). Any suggestions would be appreciated.
returns a matrix so you need to use nrow
to get number of packages. However, as mentioned by @MichaelChirico note that the number might not be accurate as shown on the CRAN website because of syncing schedules.
CRANpackages <- available.packages()
#[1] 16068
As far as Bioconductor packages are concerned, I am not aware about a function which returns the number of packages but you can get the number from their website using this small scraping script.
url <- 'https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/'
biocPackages <- url %>% read_html() %>% html_table() %>%.[[1]]
#[1] 1905