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Is there a simple way to get the download url from firesbase-storage paths in Angular templates

I have seen examples where people have saved the actual download path into firestore, then later use that image image in the templates.

However i am not so sure that is the correct method to save locations of files. For the simple reason when retrieving the download url it contains tokens, which I assumes is for the current user getting the download url.

So what I have been doing on every template I have received I would have to get the downloadUrl with the components code for the download url. Is there a way to avoid this a just have it directly in the templates files. So I do not need to manipulate simple display data, that contains image refs to firestorage.


  • You can create a simple pipe for this:

    import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
    import { AngularFireStorage } from '@angular/fire/storage';
    import { Observable, from } from 'rxjs';
       name: 'firestoagePath'
    export class FirestoagePathPipe implements PipeTransform {
        constructor(private storage: AngularFireStorage) { }
        transform(value: string, ...args: unknown[]): Observable<string> {
          if (typeof (value) === 'string') {
              const storageRef =;
              return storageRef.getDownloadURL();
          return from(value);

    With pipes you can do injections to the firestore which is nice, get the download url and chain it with async pipe like so:

    <img *ngIf="firestoreObject.image.croppedSource | firestoagePath | async as imageSource"

    in this example the firestoreObject is a random object, with a image that has a string path to the location of cropped image file on firestorage.