I have this example dataset on Postgres
updated_at activated_at name gender role school app_name device_type
August 2 July 30 Ron M S A Y android
August 1 July 30 Ron M S A Z browser
July 30 July 30 Ron M S A Y android
August 1 July 28 Ana F S B Y android
August 1 July 28 Ana F S B Z browser
July 28 July 28 Ana F S B Y android
I want to find when is the first time the user shown (updated_at) after its activated_at and belongs to which app.
Expected result:
updated_at activated_at name gender role school app_name device_type
July 30 July 30 Ron M S A Y android
July 28 July 28 Ana F S B Y android
I have tried this SQL:
SELECT min(ut.updated_at), u.activated_at, u.full_name, u.gender, r.name, s.name, ut.app_name, ut.device_type
FROM "public"."user_tokens" ut JOIN
"public"."users" u
ON ut.user_id = u.id JOIN
"public"."user_roles" ur
ON ut.user_id = ur.user_id JOIN
"public"."roles" r
ON ur.role_id = r.id JOIN
"public"."schools" s
ON ur.school_id = s.id
WHERE (NOT (ut.app_name) like 'G')
Group by u.activated_at, u.full_name, u.gender, r.name, s.name, ut.app_name, ut.device_type
Order by u.activated_at desc
But the result goes like this:
updated_at activated_at name gender role school app_name device_type
August 1 July 30 Ron M S A Z browser
July 30 July 30 Ron M S A Y android
August 1 July 28 Ana F S B Z browser
July 28 July 28 Ana F S B Y android
I have tried to exclude the app_name
and device_type
from group by clause but it says ERROR: column "ut.app_name" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
Any idea how to solve it? Any input would be appreciate very much. Thank you.
is probably the best way to do this on Postgres:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (u.full_name)
FROM "public"."user_tokens" ut
INNER JOIN "public"."users" u ON ut.user_id = u.id
INNER JOIN "public"."user_roles" ur ON ut.user_id = ur.user_id
INNER JOIN "public"."roles" r ON ur.role_id = r.id
INNER JOIN "public"."schools" s ON ur.school_id = s.id
WHERE NOT ut.app_name LIKE 'G'
The above will return one record for each full name user, corresponding to the earlier updated_at