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'Automated' option not shown in 'Automation Status' dropdown in Testcase work Item in Azure Devops

In Azure DevOps documentation :

It mentions that :

Field nameDescriptionWork item typeAutomation Status1The status of a test case. You can specify the following values: Automated Not Automated Planned I am unable to see the Automated Option in the dropdown there are only 2 options available in the dropdown - 'Not Automated' and Planned. Can you please let me know when do you intend to fix this problem ?


  • The Automated value for Automation Status field is auto set when the test case work item is associated to a test case method. It seems your Test case work item is not associated to test case.

    enter image description here

    If the Test case work item is not associated. You will only get 'Not Automated' and 'Planned' options in the Automation Status field.

    enter image description here

    Check document Associate automated tests with test cases to associate your test cases.

    When the Test case work item is associated to a test case. You can see the associated test case in the Associated Automation tab. See below:

    enter image description here