I'm having a problem with my project not finding the path to my png images. I know the path is correct because if I use a basic hard coded src="../assets/die1.png", it works fine. The problem is I need them to changed based on other data.
I keep getting the error: Cannot find module '../assets/die1.png'
<div class="DiceComponent col-3 bg-primary">
<img v-if="die.output != ''" :src="require(die.output)" alt="error loading image" />
NOTE: die.output == "../assets/die1.png" and this is confirmed in the Vue devtool.
I am getting some error in your store functions that I can solve now so I focused on the image question. As you are working with static files, I've moved them to public folder and have made a simple rollDice function:
rollDice() {
let rng = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6);
this.diceTemp = `./die${rng+1}.png`
<Die :die="diceTemp" />
inside the component:
<img :src="die" />
and this works fine! Somethings to consider: