I want to update two input fields with values, when noUiSlider is updated. I have tried all permutations and combinations for last 24 hours and failed.
This is the tutorial I followed https://jsfiddle.net/skrb5cg3/138/
This is my code. I want to get the the input fields updated when the slider is changed. https://jsfiddle.net/rx8hjf5e/
var rangeSliderFrom = document.getElementById('rangeSliderFrom'),
rangeSliderTo = document.getElementById('rangeSliderTo');
var sliderFormat = {
to: function(val) {
val = Math.ceil(val);
hours = convertToHour(val);
minutes = convertToMinute(val,hours);
return formatHoursAndMinutes(hours,minutes);
from: function(val) {
return val;
var convertValuesToTime = function(values,handle){
var hours = 0,
minutes = 0;
if(handle === 0){
hours = convertToHour(values[0]);
minutes = convertToMinute(values[0],hours);
rangeSliderFrom.value = hours;
hours = convertToHour(values[1]);
minutes = convertToMinute(values[1],hours);
rangeSliderTo.value = hours;
var convertToHour = function(value){
var p = parseFloat(Math.floor(value / 60));
return p;
var convertToMinute = function(value,hour){
ret = value - hour * 60;
if(ret !== 30 && ret !== 0 ) {
// cool hack to round to the nearest n
i = ret, n = 30;
ret = ((i % n) > n/2) ? i + n - i%n : i - i%n;
return parseFloat(ret);
var formatHoursAndMinutes = function(hours,minutes){
if(hours.toString().length == 1) hours = '0' + hours;
if(minutes.toString().length == 1) minutes = '0' + minutes;
return hours+':'+minutes;
// 0 = initial minutes from start of day
// 1440 = maximum minutes in a day
// step: 60 = amount of minutes to step by.
var initialStartMinute = 0, initialEndMinute = 1440, step = 60;
function createSlider(vals) {
var slider = document.getElementById("rangeSlider");
window.slider = noUiSlider.create(slider, {
start: vals,
connect: true,
step: step,
range: {
'min': initialStartMinute,
'max': initialEndMinute
pips: { // Show a scale with the slider
mode: 'steps',
stepped: true,
density: 4,
filter: function(value, type) {
if(value == initialEndMinute || value == initialEndMinute) {
return 1;
} else if(value % 360 == 0 ) {
return 1;
format: sliderFormat
tooltips: true,
format: sliderFormat,
direction: 'ltr', // Put '0' at the bottom of the slider
createSlider([240, 1280]);
Any idea why the code is failing. Sorry if this is a silly question, I am new to coding and could not find out why error happens.
To answer my own question, I made following modifications and its working.
var convertValuesToTime = function(values,handle){
var hours = 0,
minutes = 0;
if(handle === 0){
rangeSliderFrom.value = values[0];
hours = convertToHour(values[0]);
minutes = convertToMinute(values[0],hours);
rangeSliderTo.value = values[1];
hours = convertToHour(values[1]);
minutes = convertToMinute(values[1],hours);