Im making a saved search ( find fully applied customer payments) with a summary in criteria
In UI it works fine, but in suitescript gives me this error:
ERROR CODE: INVALID_SRCH_SUMMARY_TYP \n DESCRIPTION: An nlobjSearchFilter contains an invalid summary type: formulanumeric: SUM.
I have tried to load the search
var searchPayment=search.load({
Or using the SearchExport extension:
type: "customerpayment",
['sum(formulanumeric: CASE WHEN SUM(NVL({appliedtolinkamount},0)) = MAX(NVL({amount},0)) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)','equalto','1']
search.createColumn({name: "tranid", label: "Document Number"}),
search.createColumn({name: "custbody_fe_uuid_cfdi_33", label: "UUID CFDI v3.3"}),
search.createColumn({name: "custbody_fe_sf_mensaje_respuesta", label: "Mensaje de Respuesta"}),
name: "tranid",
join: "appliedToTransaction",
label: "Document Number"
name: "internalid",
join: "appliedToTransaction",
label: "Internal ID"
and I still getting the same error in the filter with summary :
['sum(formulanumeric: CASE WHEN SUM(NVL({appliedtolinkamount},0)) = MAX(NVL({amount},0)) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)','equalto','1']
what Im missing here?
Try this
Filters: [
['formulanumeric: CASE WHEN sum(nvl({appliedtolinkamount},0)) = max(nvl({amount},0)) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END','is','1']