I am trying to do this: https://develop.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001075348-Hide-the-Leave-a-message-button-in-the-Chat-SDK
And want to update the string ios.ZDCChat.noAgentsMessage in my ZDCChatStrings.bundle. IF I right-click the strings file in the bundle and select Open As > ASCII Property List, it gives an error and doesn't open.
Error says:
Tried to create a document (class: IDEPlistDocument) and got a document with a different, non-conforming fileType back instead.
Here's a screenshot of how the Localizable.strings file opens on my end, if I change anything in this as it is, it stops working too.
Here's the string file which don't opens correctly in Xcode - and I am unable to change string in it due to that: https://github.com/zendesk/zendesk_sdk_chat_ios/blob/master/ZDCChatStrings.bundle/en.lproj/Localizable.strings
Any help is appreciated.
Two solutions:
The solution suggested by skaak in comment above works too, i.e. Change the extension to .plist and it makes the file readable which can be updated.
But if you don't want to change the extension, and want to replace the string within the strings file, then this can be used: /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c